Are you a slow burner?

I make friends slowly.

I fall in love slowly.

I collaborate slowly. 

I used to think there was something wrong with me, that I had ‘trust’ issues or wasn’t able to connect with people.

But what I’ve learned is that i’m just very good at trusting myself.

I allow myself to take my time to tune into how I feel when I’m with people.

Do I feel safe with this person?

Am I at ease?

Do I trust that they speak highly of me when I’m not around? 

Can I really be myself around them?

Very valid questions.

Some might might call it fussy.

I call it being discerning.

I call it being deeply connected to myself and the people I allow into my life.

And that’s a beautiful thing.

So if this is you.

Go slow. Be discerning. Learn to trust yourself. 

There’s nothing wrong with a slow burn. 

Leah Davies