An experience that brings you back to life, so that the ordinary becomes extraordinary again.
Welcome to my ‘Reclaim your true nature’ coaching experience
Have you lost your sense of humour?
Is the world feeling heavy and serious?
Are you longing to feel relaxed, light-hearted and your true self again?
It’s time to remember who you really are.
Your other half tries a bit of banter with you, and you just don’t get it.
Your mate sends you a meme and you scroll on by.
Your kid is finding the most ridiculous thing hilarious - not even a giggle from you.
Maybe you find yourself getting irritated by the jokey, happy people – ‘they’re stupid’. But deep down you feel disconnected and sad because you long to feel lighter and playful again.
I want you to know, that you make sense.
Somewhere along the way we lose our innocence.
We lose our sense of wonder.
We lose connection with ourselves.
Responsibilities, expectations from the world, shit things happen, and we get cynical and jaded.
Our whole body becomes wired to a baseline of stress and survival, which makes it very sceptical of anything ‘non-essential’ like laughter, playing or joking around.
Our soul gets heavy, and we feel a bit dead inside.
We disconnect.
This makes sense to those of us who are stuck in survival mode (and my guess is – you probably are).
You’ve been through a lot and you’ve been incredibly resilient. So, it’s difficult to switch gears into a more relaxed, open, playful state.
It’s hard to just be you.
I know what it’s like to lose connection to that innocence.
In 2014 my brother and sister died. After many years of battling with addictions and themselves they died of deep unhappiness and a part of me died with them too.
After this, I had to learn to accept my life and allow myself to fully live it. I had to slowly reignite that wonder within me. I had to remember how to see the good in the world. I had to reconnect with my true self again.
I can remember the moment that woke up that wonder within me. It was 7am on a Saturday morning in Notting Hill. My partner and I had gone to a morning rave, sober. I walked in and saw all these people dancing so colourfully, so joyfully. It was beautiful and overwhelming with sadness. Like I hadn’t realised what I had been longing for, until it was there, right in front of me. I had forgotten that I could feel this, and to see people connected to their own sense of innocence and wonder, woke that up in me.
Over the years I have intentionally tended to this. Practicing again and again to come back to the present, to come back to myself, being with my grief, offering myself compassion, teaching my nervous system how to feel safe in the ordinary, appreciating nature, being in stillness, making space for play, dance and joy. It’s been one hell of a cocktail!
And it’s this cocktail that I weave into my work – for people like you and me to sip together in this experience of bringing you back to life
We are nature.
We are meant to be in the fresh air.
It brings us to life.
This is where I feel most myself and have also experienced and witnessed the simplicity of healing that nature offers. Our habitual spirals of thinking get interrupted and broken down when a bird flies past. Stopping to appreciate the ancientness of the trees brings perspective to our short lives. Training our senses to connect to the safety of what’s here, right now regulates our nervous system and brings us into a state of openness and connection.
And you will know this state because you’ve already experienced it……
That sense of wonder seeing the blossom in spring.
The impulse to want to dash out and play in the snow.
The feeling the light in your eyes from a sunrise.
Lying back and watching the clouds roll on by.
That is it. Aliveness. Right there. In you.
And I’m here to remind you of this. To give your whole body the experience that it is longing for – to be reconnected with you inner and outer world.
To be reconnected with your true nature.
Single coaching session
90 minute session outdoors or online
Shared folder with bespoke mind/body practices and resources to integrate your learning
Email access and support for 1 month
Outdoor experience in Cardiff 3 or 6 months
Fortnightly 90 minute 1-1 coaching sessions in a green space in central Cardiff
Email access to me in between sessions
Shared folder with bespoke mind/body practices and resources to integrate your learning
£1,800 - £3,600
3 and 6 month payment plans available
Don’t worry. I have an online experience for you, where we will cleverly weave in the outdoor experience through ‘Life practice’ into our work together.
Online experience 3 or 6 months
Fortnightly 90 minute 1-1 coaching sessions online
Email access to me in between sessions
Shared folder with bespoke mind/body practices and resources to integrate your learning
£1,500 - £3,000
3 and 6 month payment plans available
What people say about this experience…
‘Before, I only had ‘events’ to look forward to and in between were just massive dips in my happiness. Since working with Leah, my base level has just raised up, so I start from a place of contentment even on the dull days when nothing is happening.’
‘Leah is not only compassionate and understanding, but has so many thoughts, wisdom and suggestions on how to get through each day which is great for me who seemed to be lost in a haze of fog where I just couldn’t focus on anything other than my loss.’
‘In the past where I've had CBT, I've been told to practice mindfulness without having a clue what it was or how to do it! In these sessions we practice it in the here and now. During counselling, it was more about reaching deep down to try and work out where my anxiety stemmed from, but no suggestion of what to do with that discovery, and how I might be able to tackle the issues that I had in life in the present. I now feel like I have practical exercises to build into my routine.’
‘I woke up this morning and it’s grey and miserable, and yet I just feel so happy. No real reason to be other than just an overwhelming sense of well-being. Working with you has changed so much in me. What you do is amazing. Thank you so much for helping me get here.’
‘You enabled me to view things from a different perspective and one that didn’t seem so dark and lonely.’
‘My sessions with Leah offered a focus in the now rather than looking back and unpicking things from the past. It felt more freeing and optimistic than prior therapy experiences I've had.’
‘My coaching sessions with Leah have been so helpful. I’m glad I dedicated these 6 months to my development. It’s helped me improve my communication skills with others, be kinder to myself and be more present. Thanks to Leah, I’m now trying out new things that tap into my fun and creative side!’
‘After months of mental turmoil, Leah helped me to pinpoint and articulate an overarching theme to all my anxieties. It's been liberating as it's actually meant I can talk about it with my husband and he finally understands where I'm coming from. He's always tried to support me but I was never able to frame my feelings in a way that felt right. It's helped so much being able to communicate more effectively my feelings of burden, guilt and overwhelm.’
‘I think the key thing that I learnt during our session was that I actually had the answers within me to begin with. I think you were a fantastic guide and support who enabled me to unlock those answers through questions and discussion.'
‘I’m so glad that Leah came into my life. I feel I can start living again. She is so uplifting and joyous it is a real pleasure to know her.’
Why come on this experience?
‘We can’t give what we haven’t got’
Make no mistake, it takes a huge amount of courage to do this work. So I completely take my hat off to you for being here and even considering it. If not only to make your time on this planet more enjoyable but also for the people around you too.
You see, when we are disconnected from ourselves and our sense of innocence it leads to numbness, like we’re just ‘going through the motions’ in life. We live on autopilot and get stuck in patterns that we know aren’t good for us. Maybe you call it ‘self-sabotage’.
When we are connected to ourselves and able to be in the present moment it brings a sense of vibrancy back – like someone has turned the colour up on the TV.
A vibrant human who is connected to themselves is able to trust themselves and others. They see the good in the world. They are awake. They are truly alive.
This energy radiates. It touches everyone around us. We need more of that in the world.
We need more of you and your aliveness. Your true nature.
Your partner, your friends, your kids,– they need you. In your full vibrancy!
If you have read this far, take a pause and notice how you feel. Is there something inside you that feels curious? Do you have any questions or doubts? That’s ok. I know it can be scary to get in touch with a stranger and talk about your life.
But if that curiosity is there, then please book in for chat with me here. It will be a short video call, you can ask me any questions and I can tell you a bit more about how the coaching process works. There will be no sales pitch and no pressure for you to make a decision on this call. I will send you details of the coaching experience after our call so that you can decide in your own time.
So, are you ready to shake off the heaviness and feel lighter and more joyful?
Are you ready to experience more ease? To feel more you?
Got questions? I got answers. Some FAQ’s for you
This is for you if you nod yes to any of these….
You’ve experienced loss in your life – bereavement, a relationship, hopes of a future. Life has felt heavy for too long. There’s been a lot of struggle. You want to feel lighter again.
You’re approaching a milestone – turning 30, 40, 50. You have a feeling that the way you’ve been living has got you this far but won’t get you much further. You’re starting to question everything and what you really want and who you really want to be.
You have a feeling that you’re wasting your life. Maybe you have ideas you want to share, or something creative you want to start. You feel like you’re playing small, and want to live life more fully.
You’re self-aware. You’re interested in self-development and probably read some books and listened to podcasts to help you out. Maybe you’ve had some counselling in the past. You understand WHY you are the way you are, but don’t know HOW to change. You’re ready to go deeper.
This is not for you if…..
You feel trapped and powerless to change your situation.
You’re not interested in being outside and connecting with nature.
You’re looking for someone to give you the answers to your life ‘problems’.
You’re not willing to try new things and dedicate some time outside of the sessions to practice what you’re learning.
If you want to read about my professional bits take a look here
I am a somatic coach, which means I will support you to understand your mind and body as one eco system and how this impacts the way you think, feel and behave. My style of coaching helps you to tune in to your present experience and become aware of your current patterns of feeling and thinking so that you can access the most helpful and resourceful parts of you. This allows you to not only change how you think, but how you feel and live. I want you to live a life that feels good.
My coaching approach is informed by mindfulness based practices, somatic work and polyvagal theory. This holistic approach helps you to understand how your nervous system impacts and interacts with your emotions, thoughts and behaviour so that you have a full understanding of yourself.
Here’s a flavour of my methodology….
Getting to know yourself – learning to slow down, how to connect to yourself and the world around you, self-awareness, noticing and appreciating, regulating the nervous system, spending time in nature, coming back to your senses, tapping into your own wisdom.
Creating positive disruptions from the inside out – now that we are safely planted in the ground, we can start to shed some of those layers, going beyond what we know in our heads and working with the intelligence of the body to disrupt old patterns and change our relationship with them.
Integration and building our capacity for joy – we start experimenting, trying new things, playing with life and giving ourselves new experiences, so that we are able to allow more of the good stuff in!
During our outdoor experience we will take a gentle walk with some guided mindfulness practices that allow you to connect to the environment and yourself. We will stop and sit to explore what you would like to work on in our sessions (probably have a cuppa and a snack along the way). Being outdoors has a profound impact on how we see ourselves and also how we take in information because we can relax and be at ease. You will have actions and practices to take away into your life in between sessions.
I never make promises to guarantee you specific results as I don’t believe that is possible, but what I will promise is to show up fully with all that I know right now and wholeheartedly share that with you. I will be your guide for the time we are together and I will always trust you as the whole, creative, resilient person that you already are and do all that I can to create the conditions for you to know that for yourself, in your bones!