The power of a daily check in with yourself
Do you ask yourself 'How am I doing today?'
Maybe you do, or maybe this seems like an odd question.
It's something that I have learned to do, and something I encourage my clients to do too.
One of my clients has been asking themselves this every day for the past 4 months, and it's been pretty incredible to watch.
By checking in with yourself everyday just like you would with the people you live with - asking them how are they doing, you not only get some pretty useful information about your mood, energy levels, your body, your mind, but just the act of asking sends a very powerful message to you.
It's saying..
I care about you.
I'm interested in you.
I want to help you get what you need.
I am here for you.
Checking in with yourself is an act of self-love in itself.
It's also a great way to keep a promise to yourself.
These small things are so important if we want to be kinder to ourselves. It's not always about the grand gestures. It's also about the simple ways we treat ourselves as we would a good friend.
So, my invitation to you...
Spend 5 minutes every day alone with yourself and ask..
'How am I doing today? - physically, energetically, emotionally'
'What do I need today?'
The more your tune into your body, the answers might surprise you.