Why do we hide our talents just to be cool?

I wonder how many teenagers give up a hobby or something they are really good at because it just isn’t cool. I know I did this when I was young. From the age of 8 I started playing the harp. Growing up in Wales and going to a Welsh speaking school, having harp lessons wasn’t any more unusual than having violin or piano lessons. I played in orchestras, with other harpists, and even played a few weddings in my teens. I can remember getting my first paid wedding gig when I was about 14 and being so excited to have my own money. I passed 6 out of 8 grades too, so I got pretty good at it, but I reached 16 and my passion started to die. I started a job waitressing in a pub with lots of older people and got more interested in going out, getting a car, getting a boyfriend and fitting in with the crowd. To be honest I pretty much kept my talent a secret from people my age, believing they would think I was some posh, straight laced, little orchestra girl, which didn’t fit my new image of pink haired, 90’s, indie chick!

So for 15 years my harp sat, covered up, collecting dust in the corner of a room. During that time I can’t say I took up any other hobby really, just lots of socialising, nights out and a few trips to the gym. Luckily, 4 years ago a good friend of mine was getting married (and to be fair she had warned me many times over the years that I would be playing the harp at her wedding and I should keep practising). So she gave me the deadline and so I had no option but to whip off the cover, dust my harp down, replace several strings and basically retrain myself to play. God, this was a mighty task! Try playing an instrument you haven’t touched for 15 years and then get told you’re playing Metallica in a castle in front of 100 people!

I never thought that this would relight my passion for playing the harp again, but four years on, 3 more weddings and a gig at a burlesque night, I am loving it. But the thing that has surprised me most and my reason for telling this story is the reaction I have got from others since sharing my talent. After playing at a wedding last week I posted a photo of me and my harp, and the response I got was great. People who had known me for years saying they didn’t realise I played, how beautiful it was, what an unusual talent, can they book me for their wedding! It made me realise that this hobby I had as a child, that I thought was weird, uncool and somehow didn’t ‘fit’ me, is actually a quirky, rare, beautiful gift that I have, and that is VERY cool.

Remember, often the things that we think are uncool or weird are the things that people are dying to know about us. They are the things that make you, you. There is nothing more attractive than someone who has a passion for something and wants to share it with the world. That is SERIOUSLY COOL.

So my question to everyone, young and old – What’s your hobby or unusual talent that you have been hiding or have given up on? Tell me your stories, share your pictures, I would love to know…….

Leah Davies