Soulful Storytelling Episode 14 - Crying is as essential as having a poo

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Here’s me flying solo in this episode. I’m talking today about crying as it’s something that naturally came up in the last series on grief. Crying is still seen as something awkward and unacceptable in our society, and yet it is a healthy way for humans to process emotions. If only crying was as socially acceptable as laughing. 

In this episode I am talking about: 

  • My own relationship with crying and how I now ‘bring it on’ when I need to 

  • The benefits of crying to us as humans. 

  • And why crying really is like having a good poo. 

If you can relate to anything in this episode, I would love to hear your thoughts. Drop me a message on Instagram or email me 

If you enjoy the podcast, please consider contributing a donation. This will help me to continue editing, producing and publishing the podcast for your ears to enjoy. You can donate here:  

This podcast is edited and produced by Meghan Hutchins at Making Space VA  

Leah Davies