Soulful Storytelling Episode 4 with Tina Evans and Nia Evans

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Here is the 4th Soulful Storytelling episode recorded at my live event on the 28th October 2019 in Cardiff. This event is about bringing people together through the powerful medium of story. We all have incredible stories inside of us that are waiting to be heard, that can entertain, touch and heal others. We had 2 wonderful storytelling acts on the night, who shared their stories touching on themes of...

Accepting ourselves and our life circumstances
Living with illness and disability
Taking care of our total wellbeing in a holistic way
Setting ourselves challenges that light up our soul

In this Episode Tina Evans and Nia Evans shared their story of ‘Journey to the core’ where they cycled the length of Wales this summer on a tandem hand cycle in 7 days! Tina was diagnosed with the condition Friedreich’s Ataxia at 16 and is a wheelchair user. She uses her wheelchair as a tool for independence rather than limitation and is constantly challenging the expectations and norms about what a wheelchair user can do with their life. Tina and Nia have been friends since university and were chatting one day about the idea of Tina hand cycling through Wales whilst Nia walked alongside, but soon enough that turned into them both hopping on the tandem and riding through the country together. They shared the story behind ‘Journey to the Core’, and how they prepared mentally, physically and emotionally before and during the challenge. Useful stuff in this episode...

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Read Tina’s blog
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Leah Davies