Are you addicted to the highs and lows?


We live in a world that's addicted to highs and lows, chasing the feel good vibes, then getting frustrated when we can't stay positive. Being drawn to everything that's wrong with us, and all the things we haven't done. A world where we are offered quick fixes to feel better about ourselves.

I know it might seem obvious, but the route to feeling better about yourself is not particularly glamourous. Making small, incremental changes over time isn't exactly appealing. Changing our habits can be downright tough and scary. Realising that what we think is the problem, isn't actually the real problem at all - frustrating! Learning to set boundaries with ourselves and other people can make our toes curl.

Because we don't change how we feel by hearing something once, by reading an Instagram post or listening to a podcast or reading a book - sorry but's it's just not that simple. At some point there has to be some physical practice in your day to day life to learn, experiment and integrate new patterns.

So what I'm saying is...

If you sit and meditate and it's doesn't feel good straight away, keep going, notice the subtle over time.

Ask yourself, am I taking care of my basic human needs? Sleeping well, moving my body, staying hydrated, doing things I enjoy, connecting with people, seeing daylight. I know this can seem so patronising and obvious, but it always amazes me how many of us aren't getting the basics (AND there's lots of reasons why this is the case).

The work I do with people isn't made up of ‘wow’ moments (except occasionally when we put some tunes on and have shimmy). It's mostly about the small, subtle, incremental changes over time, that requires patience, curiosity and persistence. AND that helps you move beyond your basic human needs, to really start caring for yourself on a level that allows you to thrive!

Because day to day life isn't about big highs and crashing lows, it's mostly ordinary and neutral and subtle. If we can be with that, then suddenly the days become magical, extraordinary. What once felt dull and lifeless can now feel fresh and wondrous.

I want you to know that whatever has happened for you, you have the capacity within you to feel bloody good.

Leah Davies