What are you longing for?

A question I hate getting asked is ‘What do you want?’

I can feel my inner teenager in me saying ‘I don’t f****ng know!!’

It’s like.. ‘Well it depends on what moment of the day you ask me or what mood I’m in…’

It just feels very ‘heady’, like ‘what I want’ can be influenced by so many unpredictable things - my thoughts, my emotions, the weather……

But if someone was to ask me

‘What are you longing for?’


In the chest.

Straight to my heart.

Like a direct cut through all those unpredictable conditions and straight into my soul.

It gets underneath what I think I want, and into my deepest desires.

It gets into my true needs.

It gets into what’s driving my wants.

It stirs an ache within me.

And that ache is a guide with a message.

It’s a big scratchy arrow that’s poking at us, nudging us and turning our head towards what we are longing for.

It can be deeply uncomfortable to confront our longing, because with longing comes grief.

We don’t only grieve what we’ve lost.

We also grieve what we long for….

The longing to belong.

The longing to be seen, heard.

The longing to be validated.

The longing for peace.

The longing to be our true selves.

This is what I see in the people I work with. Longing.

So if I ask you the question.

‘What are you longing for?’

What happens in your body? Where do you feel that question land? What emotion does it stir in you?

It doesn’t always come with words. It’s more of a felt sense.

And when we can make contact with our longing, life can get pretty interesting, fulfilling, nourishing. It’s where we come back to our true nature.

So if this letter has tapped into your longing, then I would love to help you explore that.

Here’s how…..

'Reclaim your true nature' 1-1 experience (in person or online)

Leah Davies