Being more discerning about our emotional state


Ooh, I don't know about you, but I've definitely learned to be more discerning this last year.

More discerning about who I give my energy to.

More discerning about how I spend my time.

More discerning about where I spend my money.

More discerning about how much information I consume, what information I take in, and questioning it's source.

More discerning about which emotional states I choose to hang out in.

This one may feel a little odd to you. A few years ago it would have jarred with me a bit. How can we 'choose' our emotional states? Surely, emotions are spontaneous, we can't choose them, right?

Many of us will have default emotional states. Ones that we return to regularly. Ones that are familiar to us. States are like patterns that we go around in. Some may be helpful. Others not so helpful.

Maybe yours is anger, or worry, or hopelessness or positivity.

One of mine was shame. If I made a mistake or said the wrong thing, I would feel so ashamed. To the point where I would try to get everything perfect, so nobody would be dissatisfied with me and I wouldn't let anyone down. Shame was running the show.

I knew it was a familiar emotional state because I could identify it in my body. Our emotional states are stored in our bodies. It would feel heavy in my stomach. My shoulders would round in. I would feel lethargic like I was walking through treacle. It was a seriously low vibe.

Learning that this was a pattern and NOT who I was, was a game changer! We can learn new patterns. We can learn and embody new emotional states.

Even if we have a low emotional state running the show, we always have access to our other resourceful states.

If I asked you right now to close your eyes and recall a memory of when you felt really good. Paint a picture of what was happening at that time, maybe you remember who else was there, and you start to smile. Notice how you feel. What's changed? Even just a little bit.

We can consciously choose to switch our emotional state through memory, or doing something right now.

It sounds really simple and it is, but it takes practice and commitment to change how we feel in our bodies.

So if you are sick of being stuck in low vibe patterns, then I would love to work with you to shake that up!

I am opening up spaces for 1-1 coaching with me over the next 3 months so that you can tap into your resourceful states. I have a ton of ways to support you to befriend yourself and allow yourself to experience more joy in your life. I know from personal and professional experience that this can take time. We need to unlearn and heal old patterns of pain that are stuck in our system and gently rewire our body and mind to enjoy who we are and the world around us. If you're here for that (I know I am!), then you can book in a 'getting to know each other' call, where we can chat and decide if working together would be a good thing for you.

Leah Davies