How taking a nap has got my spark back


For those who know me, you will have heard that one of my 'dodgy habits' can be working too hard and not knowing when to stop. I love my work, but I have to have strict boundaries with myself otherwise I love it too much, smother it and burn myself out in the process. So basically, I teach people how to be their own best friend, I honestly believe that it's one of the kindest things we can do for ourselves and everyone else around us too, because when we are on form, with our energy topped up, we are rockstars, and people want to be around rockstars – you’re partner, your mates, your kids, your colleagues, they want your rockstar energy too.

So lately I've been listening to myself and my body again to see what I really need to keep my rockstar energy up - and it was whispering (then shouting “SLEEP!”). Now, I sleep pretty well and wouldn't say I was deprived from it, but I get up very early and I also like reading and listening to podcasts at night in bed too. So one day I actually started to nod off at my laptop! So I guess it was a sign that I was tired (I'm so self aware, ha!) So I gave in and set an alarm for 20 minutes and took a nap. It felt a bit indulgent at first, but after getting up and getting on with my day it felt like I had pressed the reset button and cleared my mind and could focus again. I have a regular mediation practice, and usually sit to meditate for 10-20 minutes a day and this usually resets me, but I was even falling asleep during that, so sleep is what I needed.

Now, I know I am fortunate to work from home and have me bed with me, so how could you bring this into your day if that's not the case for you?

Well I know people who nap in the car, on the bus, on a park bench, in a chair, some offices have sleep pods now too! Even if it can't be a full 20 minutes, there is research that shows 5-10 minutes can refresh us and help us to focus again. My point here is whether it is napping you need or something to eat, or 5 minutes to yourself, or to ask for help, or a walk, or saying no to something, ask your body 'what do I need to help me feel more human right now?' and listen and figure out how you can make that happen, because your body will scream at you in the end if you don't listen and that can result in illness, losing your shit with a checkout assistant in Tesco, or losing your mind with yourself.

I never would have been one for taking an afternoon nap, but it has paid me back tenfold in productivity, better mood, feeling more creative and generally being a nicer person to be around. So give things a go for you, and for everyone else around you too.

Photo by Ana Martin on Unsplash

Leah Davies