The importance of AND...
The importance of AND..... Life’s got a bit black and white don’t you think? You’re either this or that. If I do this I can’t do that. If I think this I can’t think that. Lots of all or nothing thinking and absolutes.
Maybe it’s the rise of us capturing little snippets of content online, quotes, memes, tweets and 15 second stories and then making quick judgements about people. Thank god for IGTV, it’s takes me 2 minutes to get warmed up before I can actually get round to what I want to say 😂
We can make a lot of assumptions about things, without understanding the meaning or nuances behind it.
I’ve noticed in my writing and conversations more and more that I’m saying you can think that AND do that
You can not want children AND be maternal.
You can speak in public AND be shit scared.
You can say No AND be kind.
You can be kind AND still offend someone.
You can do your best AND things not work out.
You can travel the world AND feel right at home.
You can grieve AND have fun.
You can admire and respect someone AND disagree with them.
You can be ‘skinny’ AND have body insecurities.
You can be a teacher AND not have all the answers.
You can be a ‘professional’ AND know naff all.
You can be quiet AND powerful.
You can eat a plant based diet AND still eat eggs.
You can go raving AND be sober.
You can be heart broken AND still love.
You can live life on your own terms AND still give a shit about the people around you.
Photo by Mario Gogh on Unsplash