Why does it take a pandemic for us to tend to our basic human needs?


Why does it take a pandemic for us to tend to our basic human needs?

Why does it take an abnormal situation to normalise things that should be normal?

Messages we are seeing now…

  • It’s ok if you’re not feeling motivated or productive right now.

  • Be kind with yourself and others.

  • Have patience and less expectations of yourself and other.

  • Give yourself permission to rest, slow down.

  • It’s ok to say no to the Zoom calls.

  • Spend some time in nature.

  • It’s ok if you feel sad, anxious, lonely, angry – allow yourself to feel it.

  • Do things that nourish you and protect your mental health.

  • You don’t have to have big goals, take each day at a time.

  • Make time for fun and pleasure.

  • Your self-worth is not based on your productivity.

We had these needs BEFORE the pandemic – because we are HUMAN. We have human needs.

  • Humans don’t need to be motivated ALL the time.

  • Humans need self-care and compassion ALL the time.

  • Humans need patience and tolerance ALL the time.

  • Humans need rest ALL the time.

  • Humans need boundaries ALL the time.

  • Humans need time in nature ALL the time.

  • Humans need to feel their emotions ALL the time.

  • Humans need to nourish and care for their mental health ALL of the time.

  • Humans can choose their own goals and resist pressure at ANY the time.

  • Humans need joy, creativity and pleasure ALL the time.

  • A humans self-worth has NEVER been based on their productivity.

Please know that the pandemic has not given you a pass to care for your human needs. It is your human right to care for your needs. It always has been.

Leah Davies